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#10 Essential school holiday home security tips

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 14 September 2016

Going away these school holidays? Lucky you!

To keep your home safe and secure while you’re taking a well-earned break do more than just lock your windows and doors. Follow these #10 security tips from the Queensland Police.

  1. Cancel any milk or paper deliveries
  2. Cancel or redirect any mail
  3. Ask a friend or neighbour to collect junk mail
  4. Disconnect electrical supply on electric garage doors
  5. Leave some clothing on the clothes line
  6. Ask a trusted friend to park a car in the driveway
  7. Arrange for a friend or neighbour to mow your lawn
  8. Arrange for a friend or neighbour to put out and collect your wheelie bins
  9. Use automatic timing devices to switch lights on and off
  10. Turn down the volume of your telephone

Once you’ve sorted all that you’ll need a holiday… don’t forget your toothbrush!

Think a change might be as good as a holiday? View our current listings for sale or check our listings for rent.


Cancel any paper deliveries


Ask a neighbour to collect junk mail


Cancel or redirect any mail


Disconnect electrical supply on garage doors


Leave clothing on the clothes line


Turn down the volume of your telephone


Use automatic timing devices to switch lights on and off


Arrange for a friend to put out your wheelie bins


Arrange for a friend or neighbour to mow your lawn


Ask a friend to park a car in the driveway

Time to upgrade to something more secure?

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