Brighter Buying

Biggest first home buyer fear: neighbours from hell!

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 15 September 2022

When it comes to first home buyer fears, let’s face it, there are a lot. Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions you’re likely to make in your life and it’s natural to feel a bit nervy.

While we might expect that home loan fears weigh heavily on first home buyers – that’s not the only fear.

Discovering you have bad neighbours ranks just as high as the fear of not qualifying for a home loan, according to the Finder First Home Buyer Report 2022.

Finder surveyed 1001 first home buyers in Australia to compile the list of things that keep them awake at night.

Buying in the wrong location and making sacrifices to buy a home also topped the list.

Perhaps not surprisingly in a tight rental market only one in ten first time investors were concerned they wouldn’t find a tenant.

Check out below the top fears of first home buyers in 2022.

  1. Qualifying for a home loan 36%
  2. Having bad neighbours 35%
  3. Buying in the wrong location 34%
  4. Personal sacrifices from buying a home 28%
  5. Committing to staying in the same property/area 28%
  6. Buying the wrong property 25%
  7. Having to bid at auction 13%
  8. Not being able to find a tenant (investment property) 11%

Is the thought of buying a home keeping you a awake at night? Contact us for a chat.