Brighter Selling

Rental stress fallout: share house auditions just got tougher

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 9 June 2022

Wannabe room mates are uploading videos to share house sites promoting the value adds and work perks they can bring to their new pad – everything from free movie tickets to fresh baked goods and tech discounts.

The struggle for tenants is real and with vacancy rates likely to remain tight throughout the year, share house sites are seeing a huge increase in demand, reports saw demand for single rooms in the greater Brisbane area increase by 234 per cent – that’s more than double – from April 2020 to now. That’s now an average of 7.7 people looking per room listing, compared to 2.3 people before.

So what can renters do to stand out in the crowd?

Whether you’re looking for your own rental home through an agency or a room in a share house, it’s important to put your best foot forward.

A steady income and good references from previous landlords or housemates are important.

Be clear on your budget and set your sights on properties and suburbs that match the rent you can afford to pay. That can be tough when rents are rising – so be clear on what you are prepared to compromise on.

And for those who are thinking of buying in the future, consider whether you can bring forward your purchase plans, taking advantage of government schemes that lower the deposit hurdle.

Looking for a new home? View our current listings for sale or check our listings for rent.

Want to put a roof over a tenant’s head? Talk to us about landlording.