Brighter Buying

This compromise could save you $100k

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 24 November 2022

Compromise. It’s a tough word to swallow for many buyers when the budget doesn’t stretch as far as the dream.

But Brissie buyers willing to consider a compromise on this key feature could save $100,000.

What is it?

A bedroom. We know, that’s a big ask for many. But it could save you some big bucks.

The Domain House Price Report for September showed the gap between a three-bedroom and four-bedroom home in Brisbane was $108,700.

If you think you can squeeze your lifestyle into two bedrooms, then – oddly enough – the stats suggest Brissie buyers should check out a house. A two-bedroom house was $21,000 cheaper than a two-bedroom unit on average.

But what if you can’t compromise on bedrooms? Let’s face it, that extra bedroom makes a nice home office in a hybrid working world.

Well, there are other features you could compromise on instead.

You’ll likely pay less for a home without a second bathroom. A single car space – or none at all – will also likely reduce the asking price compared to a double garage property.

And if size really does matter, then compromise becomes all about location. The difference between a home in Brisbane’s inner, middle or outer ring suburbs can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you can’t afford to buy in the burb you love, buying in the cheaper bridesmaid suburb next door can bring in the riches as the capital growth spills over.

Looking to make your dream a reality? View our current listings for sale.