Brighter Buying

What Aussies want when deciding to buy

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 25 October 2022

The top factors Aussies think about when deciding to buy are clearly showing we’ve moved out of lockdowns and into rate rises.

A comparison of buyer considerations from this year to last year shows the most important thing buyers think about when deciding to buy is … wait for it … how much they can borrow!

We know that’s not rocket science, but it has increased. Last year 74 per cent of Aussies thought this was important, and this year that’s risen to 82 per cent, according to the latest Matusik Missive.

Lifestyle features that have dominated property headlines in recent years now appear to be trends of a bygone pandemic era.

The importance of lot size, regional location and having a dedicated study or work area have all dropped off like mask wearing in public.

“It seems that many of those theoretical lifelong changes brought on by Covid (and the range of associated restrictions) appear to have been somewhat temporary after all. Shock and surprise!” writes ex-Brissie local and property guru Michael Matusik.

Also not surprisingly, some things remain pretty much the same like being in a good location with access to schools, shops and amenities.

Check out the things buyers say are important to consider before signing on the dotted line, compiled by Michael Matusik with insights from NAB.

  1. Amount they can borrow 82%
  2. Good location 60%
  3. Size of dwelling 57%
  4. Detached house instead of an apartment 45%
  5. Size of allotment 44%
  6. Good public transport 40%
  7. Dedicated work or study area 21%
  8. Regional area / town 16%
  9. Energy efficiency 14%
  10. Apartment instead of a detached house 6%

Got your priorities in order? View our current listings for sale