Brighter And some

Brisbane holds its rank amongst world’s most liveable cities

by Karleen Jentz, Copywriter 25 August 2017

The results are in and cities worldwide are demanding a recount because there can only be one winner in The Economist's list of most liveable cities.

And that winner is: Melbourne. For the seventh year running. Yawn. Brissie held our place at 16th.

So no changes for either city. What’s up with that?

We think the judges ought to shake it up a bit and introduce some new criteria that will really highlight what liveability is all about.

One such criteria might be the number of days a year the weather is pleasant enough to wear thongs. Another might consider whether the culture is so laid back that thongs are considered acceptable to wear in the workplace.

And should you be reading this from a city other than Brisbane let us clarify that ‘thongs’ means footwear, not underwear. Brazil might trump Brisbane if the latter definition applied.

But, to get serious for a minute – and just a minute because we’re a light-hearted bunch in Brisbane – we do enjoy several compelling advantages over Melbourne.

  • Brisbane has half the population of Melbourne
  • House prices are far cheaper, but wages are similar
  • We have warmer temperatures, far fewer rainy days and more sunshine hours.

So forgot this list, which is after all written by people who bring you The Economist (yawn), and come check out what liveability really looks like.

Want to steal a slice a world-class liveability? View our current listings for sale or check our listings for rent.