Brighter Buying

Market Update: Listings are up

by Richard Parker, Sales Manager 25 October 2022

In a market where buyers have been squabbling over listings like seagulls on a chip, it’s good news for house hunters that listings are up.

Across Australia new listings – defined as those on market less than 30 days – rose by 3.8 per cent in September, according to SQM Research. That equates to more than 74,000 new properties put on the market ready for the spring selling season.

Nationally, listings greater than 180 days old rose by 9.2 per cent. That’s more than 55,000 properties that are taking longer to sell.

In Brisbane we saw a monthly lift in listings of 7.3 per cent. That included new listings which accounted for 2.8 per cent. Old listings rose 15.1 per cent. This reflects our shift in market conditions where we’ve past our peak and buyers are taking a momentary breather to adjust to rate rises and see where prices go.

So should you list your home for sale now? And what should you expect?

Prices are still well above pre-pandemic levels and good value homes are continuing to sell. If you want a pre-Christmas sale, now is the time to get your home sale-ready.

Buyers wanting to put up a Christmas tree at a new address will be increasingly active in market over the coming weeks.

Contact us for a chat if you want some advice on how to get the best sales result for your home in the shifting market.

Or view our current listings for sale if you’re keen to find your new home before Christmas.