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Could your relationship survive a renovation?

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 21 November 2019

This year’s surprise winners of The Block, Tess and Luke, walked away with a million-dollar grin, but it wasn’t all smiles to get to the finish line.

In a moment of post-auction reflection, the producers of The Block admit they may have pushed this year’s contestants too far in their attempt to deliver the biggest season ever.
“We used to be a program that tested people’s renovation and design skills and we ended up probably getting to the point where we were a program that was testing the limits of human endurance,” creator and executive producer Julian Cress told
Many couples who renovate together will know it takes blood, sweat and tears.
So how can you ensure your relationship doesn’t hit the reno wall?
Houzz talked to a relationship expert and surveyed homeowners from around the world to come up with these tips to keep you tight.

  1. Look at pictures on Houzz. Seriously, looking at pictures will help each partner understand what the other likes and make communicating much easier.
  2. Compromise. Easy to say, hard to do, but essential if your relationship is to survive a reno rumble.
  3. Agree your budget up front. This makes sure you’re both on the same page and your plans are grounded in reality.
  4. Decide who is the decision maker. If you can’t reach agreement, you’ll need to decide who casts the winning vote. One partner might make the call on project management, and the other on finishes. Whatever works for you.
  5. Celebrate your successes. The majority of homeowners surveyed said the result of the project was worth the pain.

Looking for your next blank canvas? View our current listings for sale.
Reno or relationship didn’t go to plan? Contact us for a chat or talk to us about selling.