Brighter And some

Top #5 last minute Christmas decorating tips

by Kate Watt, Marketing Manager 16 December 2015

Oh Houzz, you’ve given us many great home design ideas throughout the year. As we crash over the 2015 finish line we thank you for saving our bacon once more with these tips to help us lesser organised Christmas fairies conjure some last minute festive spirit.

Take a look at the Houzz website for quick and easy home decorating tips that will give your guests the impression you’ve actually had time and money to prepare for Christmas day.

And there’s plenty more tips where that came from. View the Houzz website for more.


Start with a good first impression

Stick a wreath on the front door or add a Christmas star to a potted plant at your front door.

Then deck the halls

Got a coffee table, sideboard or shelf? Add some red stuff – candles, flowers, anything really.

Pretend to cook

Take some big glass jars, add store-bought biscuits – and cinnamon sticks if you’re feeling schmancy.

Make drinks the star attraction

Put cherries and strawberries in your ice cubes and dip the rims of your champagne glasses in sugar.

Make your table Christmassy in no time

Simplicity is key. Opt for a single centrepiece: like striped candy canes and baubles in a bowl.

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